Newest Opportunity:

Order a Yard Sign

Ongoing Opportunities That will Support jimmy’s Campaign:

  • Walk and Knock on District 3 Doors

    Lace up your sneakers and join our dedicated team of canvassers! Door-to-door outreach is a powerful way to engage with voters, hear their concerns, and spread awareness about Jimmy’s message. Every conversation you have can make a significant impact on our campaign.

  • Donate to the campaign

    Campaigns rely on the generosity of individuals who believe in the cause. Your financial support can fuel our efforts to reach more voters, amplify our message, and make a real difference. Every contribution, no matter the size, contributes to the success of our shared goals.

  • Host a House Party or Campaign Event

    Coordinate with Jimmy’s team to host an event with your community and have Jimmy make an appearance to meet folks and answer questions. A coffee meetup, house party, or a small kick back can help us connect with voters and share Jimmy’s message.

To Receive Up To Date Information On Ongoing Campaign Volunteer Opportunities: